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Combo C: 1 Small Cervical Denneroll + 1 Pro-Lordotic Band (any colour)

Combo C: 1 Small Cervical Denneroll + 1 Pro-Lordotic Band (any colour)

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Save 15% off the price of a Small Cervical Denneroll when purchased in combination with a pro-lordotic of your choice.  

Price includes:

One (1) Denneroll Cervical Small Orthotic Traction Unit


Your choice of One (1) of the following Pro-lordotic Neck Exersicer Bands  

Double Slastix Pro-Lordotic Neck Exerciser       

  • Red Easy pull: 20 lbs. For Very Petite Adults, Seniors, and reduced strength; 
  • Blue Medium pull: 25 lbs. For Average Adult Females and Smaller Males;
  • Green Strong pull: 35 lbs. For most Adult Males and Stronger Adult Females; OR
  • The Original Stroops Pro-Lordotic Neck Exerciser - Red Easy Pull


The Pro-Lordotic Neck Exerciser is a progressive resistance neck exercise device that tractions the normal lordosis into the cervical spine while active extension exercises of the entire cervical spine are performed during the five minute, structural/postural corrective, home or in-office treatment session.

 *Warning: Latex material is used on the inside of the fabric sleeve  

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